ÿþ<html> <head> <title>Chen Style Taijiquan Notepad</title> <meta name="keywords" content="martial art, book, article, taijiquan, tai ji quan, tai chi chuan, tai chi, push hands, qinna, chen style, chenjiagou, wangting, fake, zhaokui, xiaowang, zhenglei, wang xi'an, zhu tiancai, jan silberstorff, christoph david weinmann> <meta name="description" content="This page contains commented weblinks and other sources, such as videos and books, on Chen style taijiquan. It assists your navigation in chenspace. Only links to websites with substantial content are included."> <meta http-equiv="reply-to" content="weinmann@163.com"> <meta name="author" content="weinmann@163.com"> </head> <BODY bgcolor="#daa520" text="#000000" link="#228b22" alink="#ff0000" vlink="#800080"> <basefont size="3"> <a name="top"></a> <hr align="center" width=50%> <h2 align="center">What else you may find on this site, besides the <a href="#other">printed matter</a> below</h2> <ol type=A> <li>The <a href="index.htm">home page</a>, i.e. the entry to my Chen style taijiquan notepad <li>Some <a href="web.htm">web sources</a> on Chen style taijiquan that you may find, or not, worthwhile <li>Information on a few <a href="videos.htm">videos</a> and <a href="streams.htm">streams</a> on Chen style taijiquan <li>Something on <a href="conduct.htm">conduct and ethics</a> of the Chen family <li>A <a href="glossary.htm">beginner's glossary</a> for quick reference on Chen style taijiquan <li>Some <a href="chinese.htm">Chinese characters</a> from the glossary <li>A reference chart on <a href="lineage.htm">Chen style lineage</a> in case you are looking for teachers <li>A <a href="index.htm#thanks">thank you</a> for visiting my page <li>A <a href="index.htm#disclaim">disclaimer</a> so you won't sue me when you break a leg </ol> <hr align="center" width=75%> <div align="center"><img src="swhip.gif"></div> <a name="swhip pic"></a> <blockquote>Dan bian: <a href="glossary.htm#swhip txt">Single whip</a> - the Chen style way. Taken from <em>Toyo & Petra Kobayashi 1994</em>. Einswerden mit dem Tao. Muenchen: Hugendubel, p.20. The <a href="#jiazhen">original source</a> is the same as the one for the white crane spreading its wings on the <a href="web.htm">web sources</a> page, only it is fig.25 on p.78. It depicts Chen Zhaokui's presentation of xin jia yi lu.</Blockquote> <hr align="center" width=75%> <a href="#top">Back to top</a> <a href="index.htm">Home</a> <a href="web.htm">Web sources</a> <a href="videos.htm">Videos</a> <a href="streams.htm">Streams</a> <a href="conduct.htm">Conduct</a> <a href="glossary.htm">Glossary</a> <a href="chinese.htm">Chinese</a> <a href="lineage.htm">Lineage</a> <hr align="center" width=90%> <a name="other"></a> <h2 align="center">Printed matter relating to Chen style taijiquan</h2> What holds for videos, also goes for books and magazines: There is no way of learning taijiquan from books. You should always look for a qualified instructor. While books and magazines have the disadvantage of not being able to portray the dynamics, i.e. speed and flow, of the movements, they are usually better than videos if you wish to check specific postures (which is when you would need to hold the video tape). Some articles and books will also provide you with insights that are more difficult to deliver on a video, and you may carry them with you, highlighten what is interesting to you, and scribble around.<p> <TABLE width="100%" border=1> <THEAD> <TR vAlign=bottom align=middle> <TD><em>Year</em></TD> <TD><em>Title and content</em></TD> <TD><em>pp.</em></TD> <TD><em>Lang.</em></TD> </TR> </THEAD> <TFOOT> <TR vAlign=top align=left> <TD><small>Year</small></TD> <TD><small><em>Abbreviations:</em> de ... German; en ... English; lang. ... languages; pp. ... total pages; pt ... Portuguese; zh ... Chinese. </small></TD> <TD><small>pp.</small></TD> <TD><small>Lang.</small></TD> </TR> </TFOOT> <TBODY> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2009</TD> <TD align=left> From the title, it would seem that <strong><a href="chinese.htm#chfktjqjjjt">Chen Fake Taijiquan Jiji Jiangtang</a></strong> (Chen Fake Taijiquan Attack and Defense Skill Classroom) suggests there is another style of taijiquan, called Chen Fake style. This is not true, of course. Li Baoting, the author, in fact, describes the first set of the xin jia routine of Chen style as created by grandmaster Chen Fake in relation to its martial applications. The structure of this book is different from most other books in that it contains illustrations of the martial applications of different movements directly integrated into the description of the routine itself, and not in a separate chapter. This is not bad because having some ideas about possible applications of a certain movement does enhance the skill in performing the routine itself (as long as one remains flexible and alert enough to adopt any other useful application of the same movement as useful and does not become fixed on the respective application). The ISBN assigned to this publication is 978-7-5091-2632-5. The <a href="http://www.pmmp.com.cn">People's Military Medical Press</a> has published it. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>238</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2008</TD> <TD align=left> All of Chen style in a single book, that's what the title of Chen Zhenglei's <strong><a href="chinese.htm#chshtjqqsh">Chen Shi Tai Ji Quan Quan Shu</strong></a> implies. It comes in two volumes, the first of which contains the first and second barehanded routines of the old style, pushing hands methods, as well as the single sword, single sabre, spear, and helbard weapons routines. The first volume is organized in nine different chapters, distributed over more than 385 pages. The second volume contains the two barehanded routines of the new style, and the long staff (<em>13 gen</em>), double sword, double sabre, and mace weapon routines. The ISBN is 978-7-5009-3505-6, and it has been published by the People's Sport Publishing House of China. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>385+</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2008</TD> <TD align=left> Catherine Despeux is considered to be one of France's key authors on daoism. Her work <em>Taiji Quan - Art Martial, Technique de Longue Vie</em> which has been originally published by <a href="http://www.editions-tredaniel.com">Guy Trédaniel</a> (a French publisher who has also published a book by Wang Xi'an in French language), in 1981 has been translated to Portuguese by Octavio Mendes Cajado and is likely to remain the major Portuguese language introductory compendium on taijiquan for a while. <strong>Tai-Chi Chuan: Arte marcial, técnica da longa vida</strong> contains eight major chapters relating to the origins of taijiquan, taiji and taijiquan, taijiquan as a way of attaining a long life and as a martial art, "classic" texts on taijiquan, basic principles of practice, and on Yang (74 pp.) and Chen style (50 pp., 49 illustrations) practices. While Despeux alerts the reader to the fact that she does not have any practical experience with Chen style and therefore cannot properly discuss any aspects of its practice, the chapter in this book will still be useful to Portuguese-speaking practitioners who cannot read Chinese and are not fluent enough in English to consult an English translation. The Chen style chapter essentially draws on and translates some of the work of <a href="material.htm#xin">Chen Xin</a>. Many of the illustrations of the other chapters are also taken from Chen Xin's seminal work. The ISBN of this well-referenced source that also contains Chinese versions of texts translated and pinyin indexes that lead to the original Chinese characters is 978-85-315-0643-7. It has been published by <a href="http://www.pensamento-cultrix.com.br">Editora Pensamento</a> of Sao Paulo, Brazil. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>306</TD> <TD>pt</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2007</TD> <TD align=left> Just in time for the <a href="http://english.people.com.cn/200705/31/eng20070531_379491.html">olympic promotion</a> of the practice of Chinese martial arts, Chen Zhenglei's <strong>Tai Ji for Health</strong> is appearing on the bookshelf of the notorious <a href="http://chinglishfriend.com/blogs/danwei/archive/2008/04/02/the-future-of-the-friendship-store.aspx"> Friendship Store</a>, China's version of the former Soviet Union's <a href="http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=travel&res=9D0CE3D61639F930A35754C0A965948260"><em>beriozka</em></a> or former German Democratic Republic's <a href="http://www.germannotes.com/hist_east.shtml"><em>intershop</em></a>. Yet, don't judge a book by its retailer in China! This volume is just what you need if you have never thought of starting with taijiquan and seek some guidance as to the benefits you may reap from practicing it. Compiled by the grandmaster jointly with instructor <a href="http://www.limingyue.com/">Yue Liming</a>, this book, with many color photographs for illustration and hardbound, takes you thru principles of Chen style taijiquan for health (14 pp.), foundation training exercises (27 pp.), preserving energy (13 pp.), Chen Zhenglei's beginner's 18 movement routine (41 pp.), views on taijiquan from Western authors (23 pp.), a panoply of interviews with Western practitioners of all age groups and levels (21 pp.), and a more technical interview with Yue Liming (30 pp.). Senior citizens will appreciate the many contributions of their fellow age-group practitioners which reveal that Chen style taijiquan is fully suitable for preserving and increasing health even at an old age, and is not a style reserved for martially-minded youngsters. Also, the pictures depicting the routines are roughly A6 (postcard) size and thus easier to read than the often rather tiny illustrations in many Chinese, paper-saving martial arts publications. The book has been published by China's <a href="http://www.flp.com.cn">Foreign Language Press</a> under ISBN 978-7-119-05108-6. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>201</TD> <TD>en</TD> </TR> <a name="wxa-lj"></a> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2007</TD> <TD align=left> The foreword written by Feng Zhiqiang for Wang Xi'an's <strong><a href="chinese.htm#chshtjqlj">Chen Shi Taijiquan Lao Jia</a></strong> is dated 1992! Yet, finally the volume is available from <a href="http://www.hnstp.cn">Henan Science and Technology Press</a>. It is divided into 8 chapters plus numerous small appendices (50 pp.). Chapter 1 (17 pp.) provides an overview of the origin and history of (Chen style) taijiquan. The second chapter (24 pp.) distinguishes 3 stages of learning Chen style (external form, understanding strength, spirit), the third (8 pp.) 10 main theories of Chen style, the fourth (10 pp.) 10 essential requirements, and the fifth chapter (12 pp.) explains fundamental methods. Then follow two chapters concerned with the 2 barehand routines of the old frame: first routine (140 pp., 374 illustrations) and second routine (44 pp., 170 illustrations). The eighth chapter (34 pp., 139 illustrations) explains 40 different martial applications of the <a href="glossary.htm#jgdd txt">jin gang dao dui</a> movement, displaying in print the richness and depth of taijiquan, and this movement in particular. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>339</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2005</TD> <TD align=left> Here's the mother of all publications regarding cannon fist: Written by Gu Liuxin, indoor student of Chen Fake and well-known taijiquan advocate in China, <strong><a href="chinese.htm#pchchshtjqdel">Pao Chui: Chen Shi Taijiquan Di Er Lu</a></strong> most likely contains everything you need to know to learn this demanding barehanded routine. Chapter 4 of this book brings to you, on a mere 286 pages (plus one inserted depicting the geographic pattern of the routine on the floor) with only 510 figures, the gist of the second routine of Chen style. A few (supplementary) figures with partners are directly inserted in the presentation of the routine order to illustrate specific aspects of usage. The book also contains chapters on the origins and evolution of taijiquan (21 pp.), specifics of Chen style and the content of training exercises (24 pp.), specifics of and questions relating to the second routine (8 pp.), and a set of annexes (55 pp.). It is the only source I know which lists the Chenjiagou Chen family generations prior to Chen Wangting in the lineage tree (i.e. fills the usually unreported section between Chen Bu and the creator of Chen taijiquan). The ISBN of this book is 7-5009-2719-3/G.2618. It has been published by the <a href="http://www.bjcab.gov.cn/articledetail.jsp?id=11208046480001">People's Sport Publishing House of China</a>. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>394</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <a name="mch"></a> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2004</TD> <TD align=left> <a href="http://www.chen.com">Mark Chen</a>'s <strong>Old Frame Chen Family Taijiquan</strong> is a very good introductory text for anyone who wishes to acquaint themselves with Chen style. In fact, I think it's extremely well written - which is not necessarily a common feature for martial art publications. It is also one of the recent publications which fill the gap in the English language book market on Chen style in that it is both a proficient text as well as accessible to beginners. You will find sections introducing taijiquan as such (7 pp.), on the evolution of taijiquan (15 pp.), on taijiquan instruction (15 pp.; excellent for those who contemplate where to begin and what to expect), on basics (43 pp.; 25 figures), on the complete first routine of the old frame (96 pp.; ca. 200 figures), and on training with opponents (40 pp., of which 20 pp. with 24 figures on tui shou practice and another 20 pp. with 42 figures on applications). Furthermore, there is a catalog of routines appended, besides notes and references. The author's knowledge of Chinese ensures good pinyin usage. My favorite two quotes are the following: "Taji is not slow. [...] Of the dozen or so forms in the canon of the Old Chen Style (depending on how one counts), only two are practiced slowly. It is therefore equally accurate to say that Taiji is fast." (p.2) and "If you plan to study Taiji, you will be uncomfortable for many years, so you should accept this without becoming distressed or preoccupied." (p.47). The publisher of this book is <a href="http://www.northatlanticbooks.com">North Atlantic Books</a> of Berkeley, CA, USA. The ISBN is 1-55643-488-X. I would completely endorse Mark Chen's claim that "This [book] is not <em>Taiji for Dummies</em> (p.6)." That's, on the other hand, not surprising because the author is an indoor student of Chen Qingzhou. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>246</TD> <TD>en</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2004</TD> <TD align=left> One of the most important innovations taijiquan has brought to the world of martial arts is a highly effective sparring exercise which prevents training injuries, tui shou. Nevertheless, if you enlist for an occasional free style or push hand tournament where you might possibly be thrown down or pushed out of the ring by another competitor, a bruise or sprain sometimes cannot be avoided. It is for such cases that even skilled Chen style practitioners, instructors, organizers, and referees should learn about basic first aid. (In some countries, it may even be a formal requirement for sports instructors to pass a first aid skills test before they are able to open any training facility.) This is where <strong>A Tooth from the Tiger's Mouth</strong>, written by Tom Bisio, comes in as a useful supplement to your Western first aid methods. Bisio presents Chinese methods of dealing with and healing martial arts injuries, some of which may seem to contradict Western methods (just as much as Chinese medicine may provide different solutions for other ailments, too). My favorite quote from Bisio's book to illustrate this point would be from master Xu Hongji: "Ice is for dead people" (p.23). The book is divided into four parts, one on principles of Chinese sports medicine (63 pp.), one on injury prevention (82 pp.), one on therapies of Chinese sports medicine (96 pp.), and one on treatments for specific injuries (84 pp.). It is generally a good read, and on top of that very pragmatic, including contents for a Chinese sports medicine first-aid kit. The ISBN assigned to this publication is 0-7432-4551-2, and it has been published by Fireside (Simon & Schuster). [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>364</TD> <TD>en</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2003</TD> <TD align=left> Wu Zili has published a book which may interest those who are looking for something more to read about the flow of vital energy (qi) in Chen style taijiquan movements. <strong><a href="chinese.htm#chshtjqqfyjmyx">Chen Shi Taijiquan Quanfa Yu Jingmai Yunxing</a></strong> contains 6 major chapters, concerned with an overview (8 pp.), an outline of the energy channel system (41 pp.), vital energy (qi; 34 pp.), strength (jin; 16 pp.), shape (xing; 36 pp.), and, most importantly, a graphic representation of the energy flow for the movements of the first routine of the old frame (lao jia yi lu; 109 pp.), the centerpiece of Chen style training. The (more than 160) illustrations are not as precise as that they could inform you on postures (and this is also not their intent). However, if you do know the movements and postures already, then you can easily read the flow of energy from the illustrations. Hence: clearly not a book for beginners, but most likely useful for advanced students and instructors. The book has been published by <a href="http://www.jxkjcbs.com">Nanchang Science and Technology Publishers</a> under ISBN 978-7-5390-2294-9 and it has seen several reprints. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>245</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2003</TD> <TD align=left> His students have been waiting for a long time, and now he has finally published his first book. Germany's top representative of Chen style taijiquan <a href="http://www.wctag.de/familie.html">Jan Silberstorff</a> has published a series of essays on taijiquan which are instructive for both beginners and advanced students of taijiquan published under the deceivingly simple title <strong>Chen</strong>. The book contains (I) an introduction (10 pp.), and chapters on (II) the system of taijiquan (114 pp.), (III) Chen style (80 pp.), (IV) taijiquan as a part of life (37 pp.), (V) taijiquan and medicine (41 pp.), and (VI) original texts of Chen style masters (39 pp.). The book closes with a short postface, a glossary, and an introduction to <a href="web.htm#wctag">WCTAG</a> (10 p.). Despite the title of the book and the representation of the style, this is no partisan publication advocating Chen style, and it will therefore be of interest to any serious practicioner of taijiquan. Chapter V consists of contributions by Gerhard Milbrat on the relationship between taijiquan and traditional Chinese medicine (<a href="http://www.satcm.gov.cn/english_satcm/eindex.htm">TCM</a>) and Frank Marquardt on the effects of regular taijiquan practice as measured with Western scientific methods (e.g. heartbeat frequency and <a href="http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003929.htm">EMG</a> measurements). (Both are German taijiquan instructors.) The book is not a book containing pictures and an explanation of the routines. It is rather a book acquainting the reader with the principles of taijiquan so as to refine and improve individual practice by a deeper understanding. This is a hardcover publication by Lotos Verlag under Ullstein Heyne List publishers of Munich, Germany, who have been acquired by Random House under Bertelsmann in the meantime, as I understand, and the ISBN is 3-7787-8148-0. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>350</TD> <TD>de</TD> </TR> <a name="chqzh"></a> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2002</TD> <TD align=left> Chen Qingzhou is one of Chen style's 19th generation grandmasters, trained by Chen Zhaopi as were the current standard bearers of the style. His <strong><a href="chinese.htm#chshtjqgfhc">Chen Shi Taijiquan Gongfu Huicui</a></strong> is an excellent small reference companion on traditional Chen style taijiquan. Published by <a href="http://www.zhbc.com.cn/index.php">China Publishers</a>, ISBN 7-101-03293-1/G.477, it contains an introduction or general discussion (15 pp.), basic exercises (or, I believe, something like "Chen style taijiquan road to skill") (20 pp.), the old frame (146 pp.), push hands (19 pp.), traditional weapons (15 pp.), and biographical notes (14 pp.). The chapter on basic skills <em>inter alia</em> explains stance exercises, usage of the taiji sphere (10 pp., 21 figures), and training with the taiji stick (a small angled, boomerang-type device for training capturing techniques, 7 pp., 19 figures). The chapter on the old frame comprises a section on the first routine (99 pp., 260 figures), and another on the second (44 pp., 142 figures). In the chapter on push hands, there are sections on origins and evolution, traditional moving steps push hands (12 figures with sparring partner), large <em>peng</em> - large <em>lv</em> push hands (18 figures with partner), fixed step push hands (11 figures with partner) as well as a rhyme (or poem) by Chen Qingzhou on push hands. The chapter on weapons only lists the name of the movements of seven routines, including the Three-Person Mutual Staff Striking 18 Form, and two poems on the single and the double sword. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>229</TD> <TD>cn</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2002</TD> <TD align=left> <strong>Chen Style Taijiquan: The Source of Taiji Boxing</strong> has certainly been a step towards independent writing in English language about Chen style at a higher level. Previously the best <em>books</em> in English were those which translated original Chinese publications. Davidine Siaw-Voon Sim and David Gaffney have made a very good effort at writing as well as compiling and translating materials from original sources on Chen style taijiquan. As opposed to many other publications, they also properly acknowledge the original sources of their graphs and thus ensure that you can follow-up and check by yourself instead of implying to their readers to belong to a select few with privileged access to the inner mysteries of taijiquan. The book is divided into chapters on origins and evolution of taijiquan (21 pp.); basic philosophy and theory, including silk-reeling (22 pp.); foundations, including posture requirements and comments on common mistakes, relaxing, opening, closing, etc., the <a href="web.htm#five">five levels of skill</a>, and common acupuncture points that bear relation to taijiquan (50 pp.); overview of the different training methods (45 pp. minus 10 pages which mainly provide the names for the different movements of the two old style routines), push hands (22 pp.), weapons (21 pp. minus ca. 7 pages listing the names of movements of different routines), and Chen family legends (26 pp.). The book is good for beginners as well as advanced students who have not had an opportunity to dig into any written material yet that summarizes many aspects of what proficient instructors are teaching them about Chen style. It is easy to read, has a fair number of illustrations, and an index. What you cannot easily find in other publications thus far is the chapter on Chen family legends which provides you with some of the folclore you always felt lacking when standing listening in awe to the great legends of other styles' taijiquan heros... The ISBN is 1-55643-377-8. It's been published in Berkeley, CA, USA, by <a href="http://www.northatlanticbooks.com">North Atlantic Books</a>. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>224</TD> <TD>en</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2001</TD> <TD align=left> Believe it or not, Chen style is also available on audio tape. For those who have seen people practicing taijiquan in China's parks, it may not come as a total surprise, though, because there are, in fact, many groups that use background music to accompany their practice -- even though I have not seen it in usage with any more martially-oriented practitioners yet or people who practice the traditional routines. Personally, I do not like to have music playing because I am an avid music listener, and music generally distracts me (unless other background noise is more disturbing and the music smoothes it over). Also, given Chen style's dynamics, it may not be suitable to continuously subject your training or performance to a precise tempo. But everyone is different, and if you feel it benefits your concentration or progress, why not: <strong><a href="chinese.htm#chshtjqjstl">Chen Shi Taijiquan Jingsai Taolu</a> (56 Shi)</strong> (Chen style competition routine [56 form]) in the <em>Taiji Banzou Yinyu Xielie</em> (Taiji Accompanying Music Series) may be exactly what you need. The first side of the tape provides you with spoken cues as to when to execute which movement (i.e. a speaker calls the name of each movement at specific intervals) while Chinese orchestral music, certainly not composed for this purpose but presumably suitable and <em>allegretto</em> so you will not fall asleep, is playing in the background. This occurs 3 times in sequence for a total of 18 minutes. Then you need to change the side of the tape (or wind back). The second side provides the same orchestral tune 3 times in succession but without the cues by the speaker which leaves you more (emotional) freedom to practice the movements at the speed you prefer. An upside for those who practice the 56 routine, as I see it, is that you can use this tape to make sure that you perform this routine at a speed that conforms with the maximum time set for competitions without having to look at a clock. An alternative way to make use of the tape could be to teach yourself the correct Chinese pronounciation of the movements of the 56 form, or, in other words, a basic Chen style Chinese vocabulary consisting of almost 50 movements or 115 characters (roughly half of which, however, cannot really be used for anything else than taijiquan). The production planner and lecturer is Li Deyin. The manufacturing editor for this tape, ISRC CN-A23-02-390-00/A.J6, published by <a href="http://www.art818.com">China Scientific and Cultural Audio-Video Publishing House</a>, is Wang Shaowen. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>--</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>2001</TD> <TD align=left> If you are flying high, take <a href="http://www.airchina.com.cn">Air China</a>. The inflight magazine "The Wings of China" (ISSN 1003-3823, No.8, Vol.81, 2001, pp.52-57) contains a short article on Chen style taijiquan in both Chinese and English language. <strong>Chen's Taijiquan: China's Alternative Martial Art</strong>, written by Fang Wei and edited by Zhang Laiyou, is as any other inflight magazine article: High quality pictures and nice layout, and not too demanding to read -- something to get people interested. Eleven photographs were contributed by <a href="web.htm#yu">Chen Yu</a>. Among the more interesting ones, there is <a href="conduct.htm#song">Chen Wangting's poem</a> written in <em>changduanju</em> style, a photograph of Chen Fake with boxers from Shanxi province, and one with Chen Fake and the Capital Wushu Society established in 1949. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>6</TD> <TD>en, zh</TD> </TR> <a name="chzhl skill"></a> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1999</TD> <TD align=left> There is a book by Chen Zhenglei which is called <strong><a href="chinese.htm#chshtjqsh">Chen Shi Taijiquan Shu</a></strong> which could be considered an advanced student's compendium since it contains the main barehanded routines of Chen style taijiquan, i.e. old and new frames. (Remember that you would usually not turn to the new frame before being sufficiently proficient in the old frame.) The (clearly printed) figures are about 6 x 4.5 cm but lack the usual arrows which depict flow of movement. The old frame's first routine takes up 162 pages and 314 figures, and the second 70 pages and 173 figures. The new frame's first routine takes 171 pages and 441 figures, and the second routine of the new frame 110 pages with 290 figures. There are only very few back views. Besides an introductory chapter on history, basic requirements, basic stances, and silk reeling exercises (66 pages, 54 figures), there are chapters on push hand exercises and applications (30 pages, 74 figures), on selected martial applications from 15 movements of both lao and xin jia (18 pages, 44 figures), as well as on yinyang and meridian theory, and spiral force (35 pages, 22 figures and diagrams). This title has been published by Shanxi Science and Technology Press, the ISBN is 7-5377-1548-3, and it is possible to order it via <a href="web.htm#jarek">Jarek Szymanski</a>. Paper, printing and photograph quality are very good. There are more than 15 pages of color photographs (ancestors and Chen Zhenglei) in the beginning of the book. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>736</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1999</TD> <TD align=left> Ma Hong, if I am not mistaken, has actually had a teacher's background before he turned to taijiquan. Therefore, the book he compiled on <strong><a href="chinese.htm#chshtjqqfql">Chen Shi Taijiquan Quanfa Quanli</a></strong>, based on transmissions by renowned Chen style grandmaster Chen Zhaokui, probably is as diligently pedagogic as his video training series appears to be. (I am not the person to give any final judgement on this, however, because I do not speak Chinese.) The book has been published by <a href="http://www.bsup.cn/"></a>>Beijing Physical Education Press</a>, and goes under ISBN 7-81051-222-6/G.205. It contains detailed explanations of the new frame (xin jia) routines 1 (196 pages, 298 figures) and 2 (104 pages, 150 figures), and what appears to be a collection of shorter essays (175 pages), mostly from the late 1980s and early 1990s, with numerous quotes on diverse topics, including illustrated sections on power training (7 figures), push hand application (24 figures), and twining exercises (8 figures). The size of the figures is 4 x 3 to 6 x 5 cm, and they are drawn (no photographs, except for a few color photos on the first pages). Again, <a href="web.htm#jarek">Jarek Szymanski</a> offers to supply you with copies if you need. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>506</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1999</TD> <TD align=left> <a name="weapons"></a> In Chen style taijiquan, weapons are an integral part of practice. After completing the first routine of the old style, the student would traditionally turn to learning the single sabre (dan dao) routine before continuing with push hands and the second barehanded routine of the old style. (Cf. grandmaster Chen Zhenglei in the <em><a href="web.htm#csj">Chenstyle Journal 5 (1) 1999</a></em> in his conversation with Herb Rich.) And in Mike Sigman's view, the Chen style of taijiquan is the only style which is a <em>complete</em> martial art system due to its inclusion of <a href="videos.htm#quanzhong">diverse weapon routines</a>. (Cf. his article on "competitions and objectives" in <em><a href="http://www.dao.de">Dao</a>,</em>special edition Taijiquan: p.88.) Therefore, you may be interested in becoming more acquainted with <strong>Ancient Chinese Weapons</strong>, a martial artist's guide by Yang Jwing-Ming (Yang Junmin) which has been published by <a href="http://www.ymaa.com">YMAA Publication Center</a> in Boston, Mass., USA. It contains a general introduction (16 pp.); sections on long (31 pp.), short (37 pp.), soft (11 pp.), and projectile and throwing weapons (10 pp.); plus a section on shields and armor (11 pp.). It refers to over 130 different items. While you would never attempt to learn routines for this plethora of weapons, the book may just provide the historical and other context information which you have been looking for all the time for increasing your understanding of the taijiquan weapon routine you are practicing. The ISBN is 1-886969-67-1. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>140</TD> <TD>en</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1999</TD> <TD align=left> <a name="secrets"></a> Yang Jwing-Ming (Yang Junmin) has translated and interpreted <a href="web.htm#scheele">"classics"</a> of taijiquan for the English-speaking reader in his book <strong>Tai Chi Secrets of the Ancient Masters</strong>. The book makes nice reading because the interpretation includes explanations of what the Chinese reader would associate with the terms used by the authors which frequently does not shine thru stand-alone translations. The book is in a small pocket paperback format. It contains the "Tajiquan Treatise" attributed to Zhang Sanfeng, the "Taijiquan Classic" attributed to Wang Zongyue, "Four Important Sentences" attributed to Yang Yuting, "Thirteen Important Keys of Regulating the Body" by Gu Liuxing, as well as the "Song of Eight Words", "Three Important Theses of Taijiquan", "The Five Mental Keys to Diligent Study", the "Song of Pushing Hands", the "Song of the Real Meaning", "Taijiquan Fundamental Key Points", the "Song of Application", the "Old Taijiquan Classic of Qing Qian Long Dynasty", the "Song of Comprehension and Application", and the "Song of the Thirteen Postures" which are by anonymous or unknown authors. The book also contains the original Chinese versions of the poems and treatises, plus a small glossary. ISBN is 1-886969-71-X. You can also order it online from the <a href="http://www.ymaa.com">publisher</a>. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>115</TD> <TD>en, zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1998</TD> <TD align=left> <a name="jiazhen"></a> Chen Jiazhen and Gu Liuxin, both students of Chen Fake, have compiled and edited a book called <strong><a href="chinese.htm#chshtjq">Chen Shi Taijiquan</a></strong> which, according to what has been told to me, also contains strong inputs by Tian Xiuchen, another indoor student of Chen Fake. It presents the only routine pictures displaying Chen Fake that I have come across. Since the sketches of Fake are not complete, these have been supplemented with sketches depicting Chen Zhaokui. The book presents the two routines of Chen Fake's new frame and also has chapters on theory and principles as well as push hands, etc. For the first routine, there are a total of 291 figures (on 113 pages), roughly 5 x 4 cm in size. All of these depict Chen Zhaokui. For the second routine, there are a total of 126 pictures (on 62 pages), 72 of which depict Chen Fake, and 54 of which depict Chen Zhaokui. The total number of pages is 331. The book has been published in the Chinese Wushu Book Series (Zhonghua Wushu Wenku) and distributed by the <a href="http://www.bjcab.gov.cn/articledetail.jsp?id=11208046480001">People's Sport Publishing House of China</a>, and the ISBN is 7-5009-1102-5/G.1012. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>331</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1998</TD> <TD align=left> <a name="czl-e"></a> I do not know of any other written publication that is available in the English language that is a better source for beginning (and possibly supplementing begun) studies of Chen style taijiquan than <strong>Chenjiagou Chen Style Taijiquan</strong> by 19th generation grandmaster Chen Zhenglei which has been translated from Chinese by Zhang Xinhu, Greg Bissell, and Clarence Lu. There are two main sections: a 43-page introductory text to Chen style taijiquan and a detailed 125-page description of the first routine of the old frame of chen style taijiquan (lao jia yi lu). The <em>introductory text</em> includes sections on Chen Wangting and Jiang Fa (including the frequently quoted "Xu Huai", i.e. <a href="conduct.htm#song">Song of Remembrance</a>, of Chen Wangting), main lines of transmission of Chen style, the Chen family <a href="conduct.htm">code of ethics</a>, special characteristics and requirements of Chen style, progression in training, hand forms and stances as well as reeling silk exercises and standing meditation, plus an overview of lao jia yi lu movements. There are over 50 figures. The description of <em>The First Routine of Chenjiagou Laojia Chen Style Taijiquan</em> presents every single movement of the form. Each movement is partitioned into different actions which are subsequently discussed from the points of view of requirements, internal energy, and self-defense application (to the extent applicable to the respective movement or action(s). Over 320 figures display the different aspects of the 74 movements. The book has been published by Great Circle Publications Co., but there is no ISBN. It used to be possible to order it directly with Greg Bissell, 20 Byxbee Street, San Francisco, CA 94132, USA. However, I have been told that his address is not valid anymore by <a href="mailto:richard@imagecraft.com">Richard F. Man</a>, and that it is possible to order the book online via <a href="http://www.dragonsgate.net/#ChenZhenglei">Dragonsgate Production</a> now. The book used to come spiralbound in 8.5" x 11" format. [<a href="#top">top</a>]<p> </TD> <TD>178</TD> <TD>en</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1998</TD> <TD align=left> There is a very nice introductory text to taijiquan, by Jou Tsunghwa (Zhou Zonghua), for students who would like to look a little beyond the fringes of the specific style they are training. <strong>The Dao of Taijiquan</strong> has gone into its seventh printing in May 1998 and contains chapters on roots, philosophy, foundation, classics, experiences, and push hands. The chapter "Roots" contains, among others, 422 illustrations for the first and 171 illustrations for the second form of Chen style, as taught by Feng Zhiqiang (with 83 and 71 movements respectively). The figures are a little small (about 3 cm high) so every once in a while little details (e.g. in the hands or fingers) get lost. But this is not a serious flaw, and should not keep you from buying it. It is a paperback published by the Tai Chi Foundation of Warwick, NY, USA, and the ISBN is 0-8048-1357-4. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>231</TD> <TD>en</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1997</TD> <TD align=left> <a name="chzhl-c"></a> <strong><a href="chinese.htm#zhgchshtj">Zhongguo Chen Shi Taiji</a></strong> by Chen Zhenglei may be considered a beginner's compendium since it contains basic requirements, basic exercises, silk reeling exercises, and stances (all on 23 pages), the first barehanded as well as the (single) straight and broad sword routines. Lao jia yi lu takes up 143 pages. A set of 320 6 x 5 cm pictures (plus some back views) display the routine. 57 pages and 135 pictures take you thru the single straight sword, and 33 pages with 66 pictures thru the single broad sword routines. Besides this, there are several text chapters with a few diagrams referring to history, yinyang and meridian theory, and a couple of color photographs of Chen Zhenglei, meetings, and Chen style ancestors. Printing and paper quality are fine. The ISBN is 7-5062-2626-X/Z.51. It is being published by World Book Publishing Company, and <a href="web.htm#jarek">Jarek Szymanski</a> is able to provide you with copies. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>388</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1995</TD> <TD align=left> There are few persons, it seems to me, who have published as extensively in English language about taijiquan as Yang Jwing-Ming (Yang Junmin) who, with university background, may also have the writing skills that are required to excel at publishing. For Chen style students, his book <strong>Taiji Chin Na</strong> may be an interesting read given that it elaborates on a key technical ingredient in taijiquan application: seizing and controlling your opponent. After all, not too much has been published on qin na in English. This book contains chapters on general concepts (22 pp.), basic taijiquan theory (23 pp.), qin na in peng, lv, ji, and an applications (49 pp.), qin na in cai, lie, zhou, and kao applications (40 pp.), qin na in Yang style taijiquan movements (91 pp.), and qin na in push hand training (15 pp.). Since qin na is an integral part of Chen style training as I know it, I was a little surprised to read that many of the techniques presented here were adapted from Shaolin White Crane style (p.47) as if there was something lost down the line. In fact, one would find numerous qin na techniques in the application sections of most Chen style publications, e.g. by <a href="#cxw-shchchshtjq">Chen Xiaowang</a>, <a href="#zhaohua">Feng Zhiqiang et al.</a>, or Xu Guoming's respective <a href="videos.htm#xgm-qinna">video</a> tape, without any need for reconstructing them from other martial arts. Yet, this alone cannot diminish the value of Yang's publication which is very detailed, including illustrations and discussion as well as Chinese-English glossaries. The ISBN is 0-940871-37-8, and the book can be obtained from <a href="http://www.ymaa.com">YMAA</a>. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>266</TD> <TD>en</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1995</TD> <TD align=left> <a name="lexikon"></a> The <strong>Taijiquan und Qigong Lexikon</strong> by Monika Lind and Gabi Lind (Hamburg: <a href="http://www.kolibriversand.de/">Kolibri-Verlag</a>) arguably is a must for German speaking students of taijiquan. It is a paperback reference explaining terms, including specific postures as well as key persons (historical figures, masters) and concepts of both taijiquan and qigong, all the way, as you expected, , from "acupuncture" and "ah" to <em>"zuo wan"</em> and <em>"zuo wang"</em>. All taijiquan styles' routines are represented. The authors and editors (<a href="http://www.budostudienkreis.de/">Budo Studien Kreis, BSK</a>) are martial art specialists. The ISBN is 3-928288-14-8. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>175</TD> <TD>de</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1994</TD> <TD align=left> Here's something for the more advanced students among us: <strong><a href="chinese.htm#chshtjqxhz">Chen Shi Taiji Quanxie Hui Zong</a> (3)</strong>, or Collected Models of Chen Family Bare-handed and Weapons Taiji if translated to English, by Chen Zhenglei. This third volume in a series contains chapters on the five types of push hand training (15 pp., 51 figures); double sword (62 pp., 224 figures), double sabre (52 pp., 210 figures), and double mace (26 pp., 97 figures) routines; and explanations on paired practice (sparring), as developed by Chen Wangting, using (the tips) of staffs made of Chinese ash of a length of 3 meters (one exercise with a partner using the same weapon, 12 pp., 30 figures; another with a partner using a <em>shao</em>, i.e. a two-sectional staff, 12 pp., 37 figures). Annexes contain a summary biography of Chen family masters as well as a tabular one of the author. The ISBN is 7-04-004928-7/G.391. This book has been published by the <a href="http://www.hep.com.cn/">Higher Education Press</a> in Beijing. Printing quality is moderate. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>197</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1994</TD> <TD align=left> Standing pole (zhan zhuang) stance exercises are the key to building strength in Chen style taijiquan. Any master (and grandmaster) will testify as to that. 10 min. is a minimum to get your body structure settled before going thru the routines; 30 min. or more of these exercises, and you can build strength. Since stance exercises are not unique to Chen style, it can be worthwhile deepening your knowledge on them by cross-checking with other styles (though you can trust the Chen style grandmaster's instructions are sufficient for attaining objectives during practice). It is in this context that you may wish to turn to Wang Xuanjie and J.P.C. Moffett's <strong>Traditional Chinese Therapeutic Exercises - Standing Pole</strong>, published by the Foreign Languages Press in Beijing. I find the chapter on the history of the art of nourishing life (38 pages) very instructive because it clarifies a lot of terminology and its evolution. The other chapters focus on Dachengquan standing pole exercises (34 pages) and therapeutic foundations (15 pages). As with other publications of the <a href="http://www.flp.com.cn">Foreign Languages Press</a>, there are usually translations to further languages (German, French, Spanish, etc.) available. The ISBN is 7-119-00696-7/R.16. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>89</TD> <TD>en</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1993</TD> <TD align=left> Shing Yen-Ling (Xing Yanling), a former student at Fujian Teachers' University and martial art teacher at Fujian Medical School has published <strong>Chen Style T'ai Chi Ch'uan</strong>, Thirty-six and Fifty-six Movements, under the supervision of Wan Peikun. The 18-page introduction (with over 60 photos and illustrations) is well structured and contains explanations of Chen taijiquan charcteristics (e.g. abdominal paradoxical respiration, shaking power), basic rules (e.g. body position, eye technique, spiral twining), and main points for practice (opening and closing, emptiness and solidness, etc.). Part 1 on the thirty-six movements runs over 62 pages and depicts the movements in 409 photos; part 2 shows the fifty-six movements over 85 pages and on 635 photos. Each movement is supplemented by detailed comment on execution. The book is No.3 of a Chinese Martial Art Series published by the <a href="http://www.sugawarabudo.com/">Sugawara Martial Arts Institute</a>, Tokyo. The ISBN is 0-87040-909-3. It is nicely made (photo and paper quality) compared to many other martial art paperbacks. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>173</TD> <TD>en</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1992</TD> <TD align=left> <strong><a href="chinese.htm#chshtjqxhz">Chen Shi Taiji Quanxie Hui Zong</a> (1)</strong> is the first volume in a series on models of Chen family bare-handed and weapons taijiquan by Chen Zhenglei and published by the <a href="http://www.hep.com.cn/">Higher Education Press</a> in Beijing. The book is organized along four chapters: (1) a summary introduction to taijiquan (incl. history, principles, basic stances, reeling silk exercises, etc.; 55 pp. with 53 figures), and the (2) old frame first barehanded (124 pp., 320 figures), (3) single sword (49 pp., 135 figures), and (4) single sabre (39 pp., 93 figures) routines. The most unique feature of this book is an 11-page/ 27-figures section under (4) which gives 17 practical examples of single sabre routine applications (in combat with a person wielding a spear). The 10 pp. annexes contain short biographies for Chen Zhenglei's uncle and teacher Chen Zhaopi and Chen Zhaokui, as well as a note on Chen Zhenglei written by another person. Printing quality is moderate, but this ca. A5 size volume takes you thru many miles of routines for being only 9 milimeters thick. The ISBN is 7-04-002418-9/G.149. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>227</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1991</TD> <TD align=left> <a name="competition"></a> The <a href="http://www.bjcab.gov.cn/articledetail.jsp?id=11208046480001">People's Sport Publishing House of China</a> has published an English translation of the <strong>Competition Routines for Four Styles Taijiquan</strong>, i.e. for Yang, Chen, Wu, and Sun styles. Each style's section first lists the movements, then depicts them in diagrams (e.g. for the 56 routine of Chen style 268 illustrations on 138 pp.), and closes with the distribution of the movements on the floor. Xie Shoude who translated the book is an editor of the <em>Chinese Wushu Magazine</em> of the Chinese Wushu Association of China. The ISBN is 7-5009-0435-5/G.410. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>408</TD> <TD>en</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1991</TD> <TD align=left> <a name="cn-enggl"></a> Did you ever wonder what is the real Chinese term for what you want to convey to the person you are talking to or have a Chinese term you could not find a translation for because your average dictionary does not yield it? There is a solution provided by the Haifeng Publishing Company in Hong Kong, entitled <strong>A Chinese-English and English-Chinese Glossary of Wushu and Qigong Terminology</strong>. The 462 pages for Chinese-English (English / pinyin without tones / traditional Chinese characters) are organized according to alphabetical pinyin transcription and hold ca. 13,500 terms and expressions (my estimate). The English-Chinese (English / traditional Chinese characters) section holds about 16,000 (also my estimate) on 362 pages. The compilers offer a reference to more than 200 categories for better understanding, e.g. you would be able to see that <a href="glossary.htm#qinglong">"qing long chu shui"</a> is a name for movements found in Chen and Wu style tajiquan as well as Emei Quan. Terms and expressions range from "ai" (approach), "aihaozhe" (enthusiast), "anhaiquan" (Anhai boxing) to "zuogong" (sitting exercise) and "zuonianfa" (idea-conceiving method); and from "abandon force when meeting force" and "abbot of Shaolin Monastery" to "Zen-Tantrist exercise" and "zuwuli acupoint" respectively. The ISBN is 962-238-155-3. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>829</TD> <TD>zh, en</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1990</TD> <TD align=left> <a name="cxw-shchchshtjq"></a> Chen Xiaowang has published <strong><a href="chinese.htm#shchchshtjq">Shichuan Chen Shi Taijiquan</a></strong>, following a number of earlier editions, as far as I can perceive. The standard bearer introduces silk reeling exercises, the old frame's two routines (lao jia yi and er lu), Xiaowang's own 38 routine, plus several martial applications to the novice. First, silk reeling exercises are explained on 12 pages with 58 illustrations (i.e. 4 x 3 cm photographs). The first routine takes some 75 pages and is depicted by 397 figures, and the second takes 44 pages with 202 figures. The 38 form is displayed on 53 pages in 214 figures, and martial applications take 38 pages with 181 figures. Some figures show back views where necessary (which are not added to the count). About 20 pages are "text only". Since the whole book covers matter you are likely to take 5-10 years (possibly more) to learn if you are a beginner, it is a good investment. The book has been published by the <a href="http://www.bjcab.gov.cn/articledetail.jsp?id=11208046480001">People's Sport Publishing House of China</a> in paperback, and the ISBN is 7-5009-0191-7/G.178. Paper and photograph printing quality is not optimal, but the content compensates a thousand times for that. It can be ordered in Shanghai via <a href="web.htm#jarek">Jarek Szymanski</a>. Jarek has also translated <a href="http://www.chinafrominside.com/ma/taiji/chenchangxingIWMA.html">pp.265-267</a> of the appendix of this book ("Important Words on Martial Applications" attributed to Chen Chengxing) and offered it on his website. Anyway, I would recommend to obtain the book even if you do not know how to read Chinese as I am not sure if there is any better deal. And other than many other taijiquan publications, this lightweight print easily fits in many pockets. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>267</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1984</TD> <TD align=left> <a name="zhaohua"></a> <a href="">Zhaohua Publishing House</a> in Beijing and Hongkong has compiled contributions by Feng Zhiqiang, Chen Xiaowang, and Feng Dabiao in a book called <strong>Chen Style Taijiquan</strong> which is one of the earliest English language publications of Chinese origin on Chen style that I am aware of. There is an introduction written by Gu Liuxin on the origin, evolution and development of shadow boxing (12 pp.), and there are two major parts: one on the applications of xin jia's first (68 pp.) and second (49 pp.) routines and push hand exercises (7 pp.), and another one on Chen Xiaowang's 38 form (75 pp.). The publication is rounded off with short profiles on Chen Fake, Feng Zhiqiang, and Chen Xiaowang (8 pp.). The text sections have been translated to English by Wan Wende. In the demonstration of applications, Feng Zhiqiang is assisted Zhang Chundong for 158 illustrations on the first, 105 illustrations on the second routine, and 11 illustrations on push hand exercises, not counting a few additional reverse side views. The 38 form is a solo performance by Chen Xiaowang captured on 165 illustrations. Reviewing it again after a while, I still find the book is real value for money if you are interested in Chen style taijiquan. The ISBN is 962-238-016-6. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>227</TD> <TD>en</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>1933</TD> <TD align=left> <a name="xin"></a> This is the classic publicly available reference work on Chen style taijiquan: a book, written by 1919 and published in 1933, by Chen Xin. Its illustration also are often used in diverse secondary literature on taijiquan (frequently without quoting the source or disguising the source as any "old taijiquan book"). <strong><a href="chinese.htm#chshtjqtsh">Chen Shi Taijiquan Tushuo</a></strong> is organized into 4 books (long chapters, volumes) and an appendix. The introductory book contains taiji theory and relates it to taijiquan power, form, silk-reeling exercises, and other topics. It also includes comments on taijiquan classics, taijiquan application, etc. and is illustrated by some 70 diagrams, symbols, and other figures on 139 pp. The other books are called "taijiquan phenomena book 1" , 2, and 3 which all have the same basic structure: They discuss different movements of the Chen style form, explaining their meaning, what one should aim at and fundamentals during practice, relationships to internal essence, strength, etc., and different rhymes to aid memory. Book 1 takes you thru a set of 12 movements (68 pp.), book 2 thru 24 movements (88 pp.), and book 3 thru 30 movements (118 pp.). There are many hand-drawn illustrations which help explaining the movements. However, they are not one-to-one and/ or complete representations of the set of different moves that constitute the whole movement, but focus on key aspects. In other words, they will not make sense to beginners who first need to emulate the external movements before they know what is being refered to in this book. However, it is a perfect source for researchers and advanced students, even if they do not study Chen style. <p> The book fortunately is now available in several reprints, e.g. ISBN is 7-80569-359-5/G.20 at Shanghai Books Press (1995). A reprint in simplified Chinese and with punctuation marks is available from Shanxi Science and Technology Publishers (2006), ISBN 7-5377-2727-9. Moreover, the work has recently (2007) been translated to English by Alex Golstein. The latter version, <strong>The Illustrated Canon of Chen Family Taijiquan</strong>, ISBN 5-98687-008-5, can be obtained at <a href="http://www.inbiworld.com/">INBI</a>, where a <a href="http://www.inbiworld.com/sample_chen_xin_book.pdf">pdf format download</a> of some excerpts of the translation (mainly table of contents and lists of figures, but also the first few pages of the different books, i.e. of taiji theory, of <a href="glossary.htm#jgdd txt">jin gang dao dui</a>, of <a href="glossary.htm#bshch">bi shen chui</a>, of <a href="glossary.htm#ymfz">ye ma fen zong</a>, as well as complete sections on <a href="glossary.htm#qzh">qian zhao</a> and <a href="glossary.htm#hzh">hou zhao</a> movements) is also offered, or <a href="http://www.wctag.de">WCTAG</a> if you cannot purchase them elsewhere. [<a href="#top">top</a>] </TD> <TD>436</TD> <TD>zh</TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> <hr align="center" width=75%> <div align="center"> <img src="xin346.gif"> </div> <blockquote>Blessed are those who know how to read Chinese because the last 15 years have seen a number of new publications and reprints of old works in China, as, e.g., Chen Xin's classic <em><a href="material.htm#xin">Chen Shi Taijiquan Tushuo</a></em> (Illustrated Explanation of Chen Family Taijiquan). This here excerpt is obviously referring to the movement <a href="glossary.htm#sbl"> Waving hands and sweep double lotus</a></em>, 1933/1995: p.346. <a name="sbl-pic"></a></Blockquote> <hr align="center" width=75%> <hr align="center" width=90%> <a href="#top">Back to top</a> <a href="index.htm">Home</a> <a href="web.htm">Web sources</a> <a href="videos.htm">Videos</a> <a href="streams.htm">Streams</a> <a href="conduct.htm">Conduct</a> <a href="glossary.htm">Glossary</a> <a href="chinese.htm">Chinese</a> <a href="lineage.htm">Lineage</a> <hr align="center" width=90%> <center>Copyright (All Rights Reserved) 1998-2024 by Christoph David Weinmann.<p></center> </BODY> </html>