ÿþ<html> <head> <title>Chen Style Taijiquan Notepad</title> <meta name="keywords" content="dictionary, glossary, taijiquan, tai ji quan, tai chi chuan, tai chi, push hands, qinna, chen style, chenjiagou, wangting, fake, zhaokui, xiaowang, zhenglei, wang xi'an, zhu tiancai, jan silberstorff, christoph david weinmann> <meta name="description" content="This page contains commented weblinks and other sources, such as videos and books, on Chen style taijiquan. It assists your navigation in chenspace. Only links to websites with substantial content are included."> <meta http-equiv="reply-to" content="weinmann@163.com"> <meta name="author" content="weinmann@163.com"> </head> <BODY bgcolor="#daa520" text="#000000" link="#228b22" alink="#ff0000" vlink="#800080"> <basefont size="3"> <a name="top"></a> <hr align="center" width=50%> <h2 align="center">What else you may find on this site, besides the <a href="#terms">glossary</a> below</h2> <ol type=A> <li>The <a href="index.htm">home page</a>, i.e. the entry to my Chen style taijiquan notepad <li>Some <a href="web.htm">web sources</a> on Chen style taijiquan that you may find, or not, worthwhile <li>Information on a few <a href="videos.htm">videos</a> and <a href="streams.htm">streams</a> on Chen style taijiquan <li>Information on <a href="material.htm">printed matter</a> relating to Chen style taijiquan <li>Something on <a href="conduct.htm">conduct and ethics</a> of the Chen family <li>Some <a href="chinese.htm">Chinese characters</a> from the glossary <li>A reference chart on <a href="lineage.htm">Chen style lineage</a> in case you are looking for teachers <li><a href="index.htm#thanks">Thank you</a> for visiting my page <li>A <a href="index.htm#disclaim">disclaimer</a> so you won't sue me when you break a leg </ol> <hr align="center" width=75%> <div align="center"><img src="tuishou.gif"></div> <blockquote>Tui shou: Push hands - one of the key exercises in all styles of taijiquan. It is one of the major advances the creation of taijiquan has brought to martial arts training. Cf. the comments by Gu Liuxin on the origins of taijiquan in the Chen style publication by <a href="material.htm#zhaohua">Zhaohua Publishing House</a> (pp.1-12). </Blockquote> <hr align="center" width=75%> <a name="terms"></a> <h2>Beginner's glossary for quick reference on Chen style taijiquan</h2> This is only a glossary, no more, no less. It is for quick reference, a little beyond what you may need when you are surfing this site. <p> There are other sites that provide more information. Generally, I believe it is more convenient to buy a book to look things up than waste your time and money hooked up to a website only to check certain terms. Remember your phone bill.<p> Try the <a href="material.htm#lexikon">Tajiquan und Qigong Lexikon</a> for instance. (I am sure there are other similar works in English.) Or take a dictionary as the one labeled <a href="material.htm#cn-enggl">"glossary"</a> by a modest Hong Kong publisher. You can even take them to practice, and do not need an external energy source to drive them. <p> While the list is alphabetical, the transcriptions may not be consistent (e.g. following hanyu pinyin) because I am only beginning to <a href="http://www.mandarintools.com/">learn Chinese</a> and have assembled what is here from a number of different sources, the reliability of which I am not always sure of. Any corrections and comments are welcome to my <a href="mailto:weinmann@163.com">email</a> address. <p> Where the source has provided me with a letter "u" + trema (e.g. as in German "ue"), I have used a "v" instead. "Yvan" below, hence, is not a Russian name. <p> <hr align="center" width=75%> <a href="#top">Back to top</a> <a href="#movements">Down to movements</a> <a href="index.htm">Home</a> <a href="web.htm">Web sources</a> <a href="videos.htm">Videos</a> <a href="streams.htm">Streams</a> <a href="material.htm">Printed matter</a> <a href="conduct.htm">Conduct</a> <a href="chinese.htm">Chinese</a> <a href="lineage.htm">Lineage</a> <hr align="center" width=90%> <TABLE width="100%" border=1> <THEAD> <TR vAlign=bottom align=middle> <TD><small><em>Chinese [mainly pinyin]</em></small></TD> <TD><small><em>English translation and/ or explanation</em></small></TD> </TR> </THEAD> <TFOOT> <TR vAlign=top align=middle> <TD><small>zh</small></TD> <TD><small>en</small></TD> </TR> </TFOOT> <TBODY> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>***</TD> <TD align=center><strong>Chen style taijiquan terms</strong> </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>an</strong></TD> <TD align=left> One of eight basic techniques in taijiquan. Downward push into the opponent. "A force applied by pushing and pressing with the palms." </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>bai hui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Governor vessel. It's one of the most important points to get acquainted with right from the start to maintain a good posture. This is the point where you should feel a light stretch, where you should feel like you are suspended from heaven with a string. All yang meridians meet at this point. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>cai</strong></TD> <TD align=left> One of eight basic techniques in taijiquan. Grabbing and pulling towards the ground. "A force exerted by quick grab and pull." </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>chan si gong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Reeling silk skill. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>chan si jin</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Silk reeling energy. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>chang qiang</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Governor vessel. It should be relaxed, and point down and a little backward. Keeping a straight line with tip of nose facilitates correct body alignment. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Chen style</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Original style of taijiquan based on creations by Chen Wangting and further developed by following generations. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>da<sup>3</sup></strong></TD> <TD align=left> Hitting, striking. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>da lv</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Big rollback. Alt.: <em>Large sticky force.</em> Fourth level of tui shou practice. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>da zhui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Governor vessel. It should line up with jian jing to ensure proper alignment of the body. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="dt"></a>dan tian</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Usually translated as (lower) field of elixir. The key area in the proximity of the navel where all body movements are being initiated, in Chen-style. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>dao yin</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Concentrated exertion of inner force. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>dian mo</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Pressuring (accupuncture) points, in English often transcribed as "dim mak", which is probably Cantonese dialect, like dim sum (dian xing in putonghua). </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>ding bu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Fixed step. Second level of tui shou practice. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>dong jin</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Understanding, interpreting energy (of an opponent). </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>dou jin</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Shaking power, energy. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>duan jin</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Short power, energy. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>er lu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Second routine. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>fa jin</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Explosive power. Issueing strength, energy. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>fang song</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Relaxing, relaxation. (Not: softness.) </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>feng shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Gallbladder meridian of Foot-Shaoyang. When you prepare the form or close, and/ or practice wu ji, the tip of your middle finger may touch this point. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>gang rou - xiang ji</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Hardness and softness in close succession. Combine firmness with flexibility. Hardness and softness assist each other. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>gong fu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Exercises increasing strength. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>han xiong ba bei</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Suppress the chest, pull up the back. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Hao style</strong></TD> <TD align=left> <a href="#ws1">Wu style (1)</a>. Named after <a name="hwzh">Hao Weizhen (1849-1920), a student of <a href="#lysh">Li Yishe</a> (1832-1892). </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>he bu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Cooperating step. Second level of tui shou practice. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>hu lei jia</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Thunder style. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>hua jiao bu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Flower (or patterned) feet steps. Fifth level of tui shou practice. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>huan tiao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Gallbladder meridian of Foot-Shaoyang. This point maintains the qi connection between the legs and torso. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>hui yin</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Conception vessel. Like its "counterpart" bai hui, this point should be slightly lifted. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>huo bu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Moving (or living) steps. Fifth level of tui shou practice. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>ji</strong></TD> <TD align=left> One of eight basic techniques in taijiquan. Pressing directly into the opponent in a vector parallel to the ground. "An offensive force transmitted by putting two arms together and 'pushing'." </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>ji ben gong fu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> General basic exercises. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>jian jing</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Gallbladder meridian of Foot-Shaoyang. It should be sunk all the way down to yong quan. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>jing luo</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Main and collateral channels thru which vital energy circulates and along which most accupuncture points are distributed. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>kao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> One of eight basic techniques in taijiquan. Striking with any part of the central trunk. "A force exerted by the shoulder or back." </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>kua</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Region of the pelvic bone, incl. the hip joint. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>lao gong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Pericardium meridian of Hand-Jueyin. This point should always remain insubstantial so qi can reach the fingers. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>lao jia</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Old frame. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Li style</strong></TD> <TD align=left> <a href="#ws1">Wu style (1)</a>. Named after <a name="lysh">Li Yishe (1832-1892), a student of <a href="#wyx">Wu Yuxiang</a> (1812-1880). </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>lie</strong></TD> <TD align=left> One of eight basic techniques in taijiquan. A sharp horizontal rotation used to strike, block, or throw the opponent. "A screwdriver type of force." </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>ling dong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Subtle movement. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>ling ji</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Sensitivity. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>ling tai</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Governor vessel. This point should slightly expand to keep the arms rounded in front of the body. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>lv</strong></TD> <TD align=left> One of eight basic techniques in taijiquan. Sideways redirection of an incoming force at an angle smaller than 90 degrees to the original direction. "A sticky, passive force." "Rollback." "Stroking." </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>luan cai hua</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Free flowing steps. Alt.: <em>Random trampling pattern.</em> Fifth level of tui shou practice. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>ming men</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Governor vessel. This is arguably the most important point for taijiquan because it is the source of all taijiquan movements, and for issueing of force. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>na fa</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Locking and grappling. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>nei gong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Internal exercise. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>nian</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Sticking. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>pao chui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Cannon Fist (second routine). Cannon Bashing. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>peng</strong></TD> <TD align=left> One of eight basic techniques in taijiquan. A relaxed fullness expanding upward and outward toward the opponent. "A force obtained by extending the body." "Warding off". </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>qi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Vital internal energy. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>qi chong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Stomach meridian of Foot-Yangming. It is one of the points thru which qi may pour downwards. This will only happen if you relax other points on the torso and your hips. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>qi hai</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Conception vessel. It's all about qi. And the dantian which stores it is located around this point. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>qi men</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Liver meridian of Foot-Jueyin. Another one of those points thru which qi flows downwards. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>qin na</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Seizing and controlling; capturing technique; joint locking. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>qing gong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Lightness exercise. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>qv chi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Large Intestine meridian of Hand-Yangming. It should be sunk all the way to the yong quan point. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>quan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Fist, boxing, martial art. For example: taiji<em>quan,</em> i.e. taiji <em>boxing</em>. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>ru men</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Enter the door. Be an "indoor student" (of a master). </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>san shou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Freestyle sparring, grappling or fistfight. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>shan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Dodging. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>shan zhong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Conception vessel. When exercising an force, the mind focuses on this point. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>shuai</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Throwing, tumbling. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>shun bu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Orderly, arranged step. Third level of tui shou practice (one advance, one retreat). </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Sun style</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Major taijiquan style (not Chen style) created by Sun Lutang (1861-1932) who learned taijiquan from <a href="#hwzh">Hao Weizhen</a> (1849-1920). </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>tai ji bu fa</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Taijiquan stepping exercises. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>tai ji chan si jing</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Taijiquan twisting force/ strength exercises. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>tai ji dou jing</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Taijiquan shaking force exercises. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>tai ji qi xie gong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Taijiquan weapon exercises. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>tai ji quan tui shou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Taijiquan push hand exercises. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>teng</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Jumping. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>tie shan zhang</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Iron fan palm. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>ting jin</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Listen to energy (of an opponent). </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>tu na</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Deep breathing exercise. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>wa long zhang</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Tile palm. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>wei zhong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Bladder meridian of Foot-Taiyang. This point needs to remain strong so as to allow your legs to support you. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>wan hua</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Reeling flowers. Alt.: <em>Rolling pattern.</em> First level of tui shou practice. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>wu ji</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Formlessness. The state preceding tai ji. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="wsh"></a>wu shu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Martial art. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="ws1"></a>Wu style (1)</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Major taijiquan style (not Chen style) created by <a name="wyx">Wu Yuxiang (1812-1880), who studied Chen style both with <a href="#ylch">Yang Luchan</a> (1799-1872) and 15th generation Chen family master Chen Qingping (1795-1868). Also called "small Wu style" or "old Wu style". </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Wu style (2)</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Major taijiquan style (not Chen style) created by Wu Quanyou (1832-1902) and Wu Jianquan (1870-1942), the former having studied with <a href="#ylch">Yang Luchan's</a> (1799-1872) son Yang Banhou (1837-1892). Also called "big Wu style" or "new Wu style". </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="xj"></a>xiao jia</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Small frame. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>xin jia</strong></TD> <TD align=left> New frame. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>xun jin kou xue</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Capturing nerves and pressure points. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>yang ling quan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Gallbladder meridian of Foot-Shaoyang. It has a similar function as the qv chi point on the upper limb, only that it is located on the lower limb. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Yang style</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Major taijiquan style (not Chen style) created by <a name="ylch">Yang Luchan (1799-1872), student of 14th generation Chen family master Chen Changxing (1771-1853). </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>yi lu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> First routine. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>yin jin lou kong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Redirection. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>yin kong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Dissipating. Leading into emptiness. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>yong quan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Kidney meridian of Foot-Shaoyin. While the center of your weight should be on this point, the point itself should often be kept insubstantial. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>yv zhen</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Bladder meridian of Foot-Taiyang. If you relax this point, it should clear your mind so you can concentrate on the form, and it will relax your neck muscles too. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="zhzh"></a>zhan zhuang gong fu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Standing column or post skill. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>zhang</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Open palm. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>zhang men</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Liver meridian of Foot-Jueyin. Relaxing this point helps qi to flow downwards from the chest. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zhao Bao jia</strong></TD> <TD align=left> <a href="#xj">xiao jia</a>. Used to be called xin jia in earlier times. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>zhao fa</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Forms and techniques. A move in martial arts (or a move in chess, for that matter). </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>zhong fu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> This is an acupoint. It belongs to the Lung meridian of Hand-Taiyin. Knowing its location and relaxing it will help you to relax the clavicle bone and shoulder. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>zhou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> One of eight basic techniques in taijiquan. Any strike with the elbow. "Elbow force." </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>zhou hua</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Neutralizing. </TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> <hr align="center" width=75%> <div align="center"> <img src="fig161.gif"> </div> <a name="ape pic"></a> <blockquote><a href="#ape txt">The White Ape Presents Fruit</a>, as depicted in <em><a href="material.htm#competition"> Competition Routines for Four Styles Taijiquan, 1991</a></em>. Beijing: People's Sport Publishing House of China, figure 161.</Blockquote> <hr align="center" width=75%> <a href="#top">Back to top</a> <a href="#terms">Back to terms</a> <a href="index.htm">Home</a> <a href="web.htm">Web sources</a> <a href="videos.htm">Videos</a> <a href="streams.htm">Streams</a> <a href="material.htm">Printed matter</a> <a href="conduct.htm">Conduct</a> <a href="chinese.htm">Chinese</a> <a href="lineage.htm">Lineage</a> <hr align="center" width=90%> <a name="movements"></a> <h2>Beginner's glossary of Chen style taijiquan movements</h2> Note: The following section, too, is arranged in alphabetical order, i.e. not according to the sequence of the movements in the routines (cf. <em>inter alia</em> <a href="web.htm#rich">Herb Rich's page</a> for the complete routines). The names of the movements are taken from diverse English video tapes or books. I have included all of the movements of lao jia yi and lao jia er lu (i.e. the old frame's first and second routines), and of the routines for (single) sabre (dan dao), (single) straight sword (dan jian) and spring-autumn broadsword (Guan dao). Also, I have added designations of movements as they appear in <a href="material.htm#xin">Chen Xin's seminal work</a> where they differ from those currently used (be it because the movements have been split and regrouped or possibly even misspelled.<p> The numbers in the third column indicate the movement number in the respective routine. In addition, I offer an <em>"alternative" translation</em>, based on my limited knowledge of Chinese, where I believe the commonly used translations (or at least those which I have frequently found) digress somewhat from the literal meaning. This does not mean these other translations are wrong because translating the meaning of a movement is not always straightforward, and even in Chinese some designations bear a "poetic" touch.<p> Finally, it is always useful to remember, as Germans usually would, that names are nothing but <a href="http://german.about.com/library/nblgretchen.htm">sound and smoke</a>. As long as you know how to precisely execute the movement, there is no need to know what it is called because its martial outcome depends on diligent practice and not on mumbling secret esoteric formulas. <p> <TABLE width="100%" border=1> <THEAD> <TR vAlign=bottom align=middle> <TD><small><em>Chinese</em></small></TD> <TD><small><em>English translation and/ or explanation</em></small></TD> <TD><small><em>Routine: number</em></small></TD> </TR> </THEAD> <TFOOT> <TR vAlign=top align=middle> <TD><small>zh</small></TD> <TD><small>en</small></TD> <TD><small>Routine: no.</small></TD> </TR> </TFOOT> <TBODY> <a name="movements"></a> <TR vAlign=top> <TD>***</TD> <TD align=center><strong>Chen style taijiquan movements</strong> </TD> <TD>***</TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Ao bu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Twist steps. (Same as "<a href="#shsb">Shang san bu</a>" below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 10, 13, 32. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Bai e liang chi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The white goose spreads its wings. <p> According to <a href="material.htm#mch">Mark Chen</a> (p.103), this is the original designation of the movement "Bai he liang chi" (below). A look into <a href="material.htm#xin">Chen Shi Taijiquan Tu Shuo</a> would confirm this insofar as Chen Xin also refers to the "goose". Other leading, more recent Chen style publications, however, do refer to the "crane" instead. The publications by Chen Zhenglei, one of the four current standard bearers in China, such as <a href="material.htm#chzhl skill">Chen Shi Taijiquan Shu</a> however also let the "goose" spread its wings. Anyway, this is just about designations. It will not alter your practice. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 7, 21, 57. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="crane txt"></a>Bai he liang chi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> <a href="web.htm#crane pic">The white crane spreads its wings</a>.<p> According to <a href="material.htm#mch">Mark Chen</a> (p.103), the original version of this designation is "Bai e liang chi" (see above). </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 7, 21, 57. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Bai jiao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Swing foot. (Same as "<a href="#sbl">Shuang bai lian</a>" below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 53, 72. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Bai she tu xin</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The white snake (thrusts) spits its tongue. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 21. Dan jian: 22, 28, 36. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Bai yuan bao dao wang shang kan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> White ape drags glaive and cuts upward. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 6. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Bai yvan xian guo</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The white ape offers fruits. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 41. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Bai yvn gai ding</strong></TD> <TD align=left> White clouds over the head. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 5. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Bai yvn gai ding cheng ying hao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> White clouds cover your head, pose like a hero. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 2. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Bai yvn gai ding you zhuan hui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Move right, white clouds overhead. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 19, 23. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Bao tou tui shan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Cover head and push mountain. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 40. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="bshch">Bi shen chui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Shield body punch. (Same as "Pie shen chui" below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 16. Lao jia er lu: 9. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Bi men shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Close the doors. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 6. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Bo cao xvn she</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Pull the grass in search of the snake. Alt.: <em>Poke the grass in search of the snake.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 13. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Bo yun wang ri</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Scatter the clouds and see the sun. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 12. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Chao tian deng</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Raise a lamp toward heaven. Alt.: <em>Oil lamp facing heaven.</em> (The second step of the "Jin ji du li" movement below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 55. Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.360. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Chao yang jian</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Homage to the sun. Alt.: <em>Sword illuminated by the sun.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 2. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Chu shou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Posture of previous implication. Alt.: <em>First gathering.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.194. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Ci hui yi jun chen chi ren hun</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Backward thrust to intimidate. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 17. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Da gong quan xiao gong quan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Waving hands. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 15. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="swhip txt"></a>Dan bian</strong></TD> <TD align=left> <a href="material.htm#swhip pic">Single whip</a>. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 5, 26, 42, 47, 51, 62, 68. Lao jia er lu: 5. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Dan dao qi shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Opening form. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 1. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Dang tou pao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The cannon right overhead. (Also: "Dang men pao" - Head-on cannon.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 73. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Dao cha dao cha</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Double forearm punches. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 34. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Dao juan gong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Step back and whirl upper arms. (Also: "Dao nian hong" - Step back and swing arms.) Alt.: <em>Move backward reeling upper arms.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 20, 56. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Dao juan hong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Step back and whirl arms like a coiling silk thread. Alt.: <em>Move backward rolling up - red.</em> (Same as "Dao juan gong" above.) (Note: "What is meant by 'Moving backward rolling up - red.'? ... Red -- shows no mercy facing the strongest attack." Chen Xin [1933/1995]: p.230.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 20, 56. Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.229. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Dao nian hong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Step back and swing arms. (Same as "Dao juan gong" above.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 20, 56. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Dao qi long</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Riding dragon backwards. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 17. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Dao zhuan gong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Turn the arm backwards. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 20. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Di jiu tiao pao meng hui tou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Martial flower, receive wine, pick up cape. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 24. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Dian tou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Nod the head. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 12. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Die cha</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Shake foot and stretch down. Alt.: <em>Drop - branch off.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 54. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>E hu pu shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The hungry tiger attacks for food. Alt.: <em>Like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 18. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Er qi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Double raise kick. (Same as "Ti er qi" below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 34. Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.273. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Fen zong dao nan zhe nan dang</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Who can block the mane-parting blade? </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 9. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Feng huang dian tou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The phoenix nods its head. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 34. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Feng juan can hua</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Whirlwind withers the flowers. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 4, 16. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Fan hua wu xiu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Overturning flowers and waving sleeves. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 12, 22. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Fan shen xia pi jian</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Turn around and chop downward. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 8. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Fan shen zai ju long tan shui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Turn and raise glaive to test the water. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 30. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Fu hu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Subduing the tiger. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 24. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Gai lan shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Cover and block. Alt.: <em>Cover-block pattern.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 16. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Gao tan ma</strong></TD> <TD align=left> High pat on horse. Alt.: <em>High-rank scout cavalryman.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 28, 64. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Gu shu pan gen</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The ancient tree entwines its roots. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 17. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Guai mang fan shen</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The monstrous serpent turns over. Alt.: <em>Monster python turns over.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 46. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Guan sheng ti dao shang ba qiao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> General Guan carries his glaive to Ba Bridge. (Note: <a href="http://www.a3guo.com/renwu/shu/Guan%20Yu.htm">General Guan</a>, native of Jiezhou [now Yuncheng] county in Shanxi province, is a real historical figure and at the same time one of the key characters in the novel of the <a href="http://www.threekingdoms.com/index.htm">Three Kingdoms</a>. Other names for him include Lord Guan, Guan Yu, Guan Di, Guan Gong, Changsheng and Yunchang. For Chinese people, besides being a renowned warrior, he embodies loyalty, and it is thus not surprising that cults were created and promoted around him.) </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 1. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Guo bian guo bian</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Wrapping fire crackers. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 19. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Hai di lao yve</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Scoop up the moon from the bottom of the sea. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 33. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Hei hu sou shan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Black tiger searches in the mountains. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 6. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Hei xiong fan shen</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The black bear rolls over its back. Alt.: <em>Black bear turns over.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 26. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="hzh">Hou zhao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Backward trick. Alt.: <em>Backward move.</em> Roll backward. Alt.: <em>Behind plainly.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 44. Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.310. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Hu xi jian</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Protect the knee. Alt.: <em>Sword protecting the knee.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 5. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Hu xin dao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The sabre protects the heart. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 2. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Hu xin quan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Protect heart with both fists. (Protect the heart punch.) Alt.: <em>Fist protecting the heart.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 35. Lao jia er lu: 6. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Hua dao zhuan xia tie men shuan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Martial flower, bar the gate. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 27. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Hua dao zhuan xia tong pan gan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Martial flower to chop the rod of judgement. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 25. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Huai zhong bao yue</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Embracing the moon. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 22. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Huang long san jiao shui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Yellow dragon stirs water three times. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 26. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Hui tou dang men pao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Turning around forearm punches. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 36. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Hui tou jin gang dao dui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The Vajra turns around and pestles. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 8. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Hui tou jing lan zhi ru</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Turning around and double forward elbows. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 41. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Ji di chui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Strike down like planting into the ground. Alt.: <em>Strike-the-ground punch.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.267. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="jgdd txt"></a>Jin gang dao dui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> <a href="index.htm#jgdd pic">Buddha's warrior attendant pounds mortar</a>. (Diamond King pounds mortar.) (The Vajra pestles.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 2, 6, 15, 74. Lao jia er lu: 2, 42. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Jin ji du li</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The golden rooster stands on one leg. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 55. Dan dao: 8. Dan jian: 14. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Ju dao mo qi huai bao yue</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Raise blade as if waving a banner and embracing the moon. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 3, 13. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Juan lian dao tui nan zhe bi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Waving the curtain, stepping back, the enemy cannot find an opportunity. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 28. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Lan ca yi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Holding one lap pull on the robe. Alt.: <em>Grasp and wipe the clothes.</em> (Same as "Lan zha yi" below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 3, 49. Lao jia er lu: 3. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Lan zha yi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Lazy about tying coat. Alt.: <em>Sluggishly plunging into (the) clothes.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 3, 49. Lao jia er lu: 3. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Liu feng si bi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Six sealing and four closing. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 4, 25, 41, 46, 50, 61. Lao jia er lu: 4. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Lou xi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Brush knee. (Embrace knee.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 9, 12. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Lou zai huai zhong you bao yue</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Blade falls into chest as you embrace the moon. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 15. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Luo han xiang long</strong></TD> <TD align=left> <a href="http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/history/lohans17.htm">The Arahat subdues the dragon.</a> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 25. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Luo hua shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The falling flowers. Alt.: <em>Fallen flowers pattern.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 42. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Mo mei gong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Wipe-brow palms. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 25. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Mo pan jian</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Grinding disk sword. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 48. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Mo yao dao hui tou pan gen</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Waist-level blade grinds around coiled roots. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 11. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Na zha tan hai</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Na Zha explores the sea. Alt.: <em>Nezha explores the sea.</em> (Note: Nezha, also known as Nuocha or Nata, is a divine warrior usually portrayed as a boy walking on two firing wheels.) </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 45. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Pi jia zi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Wearing a frame. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 21. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Pi shen chui mo wei xiang xia da zhi dang chui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Turn and lean by shoulder and back. Alt.: <em>At the end of splitting the body hit the crotch downwards.</em> (Same as "The blue-green (azure) dragon comes out of the water(s)" below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 17. Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.223. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Pie shen chui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Striking down while twisting body obliquely. (Angled body fist.) Alt.: <em>Discard the body and strike.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 16. Lao jia er lu: 9. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Pie shen quan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Angled body fist. (Same as "Pie shen chui" above.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 16. Lao jia er lu: 9. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Pu di ji</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Ground covered with brocade. Alt.: <em>Cover the ground with roosters.</em> (Same as "Que di long" below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 69. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Pu di jin</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Ground covered with brocade. Alt.: <em>Cover the ground with brocade.</em> (Same as "Que di long" below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 69. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Qian tang ao bu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Advance carefully with twist steps. (Same as "<a href="#shsb">Shang san bu</a>" below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 32. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="qzh">Qian zhao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Forward trick. Alt.: <em>Forward move.</em> Roll forward. Alt.: <em>Front plainly.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 43. Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.306. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Qie di long</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Dragon hacks the ground. (Same as "<a href="#qdl">Que di long</a>" below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 69. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Qing long bai wei</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The blue dragon sways its tail. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 19. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="qinglong">Qing long chu shui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The blue-green (azure) dragon comes out of the water(s). </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 17. Dan dao: 3, 15. Dan jian: 4, 7. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Qing long zhuan shen</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The blue dragon turns over. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 9. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Quan pao chui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The whole cannon fist. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 32. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Quan wu hua</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Full martial flower. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 7. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Quan wu hua shua dao fan shen kan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Full martial flower, plant the glaive, vault, and cut. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 16. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="qdi"></a>Que di long</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The dragon on the ground. (Also: "Qie di long" - Dragon hacks the ground.) Alt.: <em>Sparrow - earthworm.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 69. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Ri tao san huan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The sun braces three rings. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 11. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Sao tang tui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Sweeping legs. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 30. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shan tong bei</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Flash the back. Alt.: <em>Dodge - connect with the back.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 23, 59. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shang xia xie ci</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Thrust slantwise up and down. Alt.: <em>Stab obliquely up and down.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 43. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shang bu qi xing</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Step forward with seven stars. Alt.: <em>First step - seven stars.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 70. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shang bu qi xing mo wei jin gang dao dui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Step up to form seven stars of the dipper. Alt.: <em>At the end of first step - seven stars Bhudda's Warrior Attendant pounds the mortar.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 70. Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.409. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="shsb"></a>Shang san bu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Stepping three steps. (Sometimes also: "Ao bu" - twist steps.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 10, 13, 32. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shang san dao xia sha Xu Chu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Three fierce steps forward to frighten Xu Chu. (Note: Xu Chu is one of the generals under Cao Cao portrayed or chronicled in the <a href="http://www.threekingdoms.com/index.htm">Three Kingdoms</a> novel. Born in the county of Qiao [modern day Bozhou, in Anhui province], he apparently was over 2 meters tall.) </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 4. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shen xian yi ba zhua</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The immortal one seizes once. Grasp and hit. Alt.: <em>The immortal takes everything into his (own) hands.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 33. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shi zi dao pi kan xiong huai</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Crossed glaive cuts chest. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 10. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shi zi jiao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Cross feet. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 65. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shi zi yi dao wang ju qi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Pose with a raised blade. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 29. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shou shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Closing form. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 75. Lao jia er lu: 43. Dan dao: 23. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shou tou shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Animal head pose. (Look at violent beast.) Alt.: <em>Beast head posture.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 20. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="sbl">Shuang bai lian</strong></TD> <TD align=left> <a href="material.htm#sbl-pic">Waving hands and sweep double lotus</a>. (Also: "Bai jiao" - Swing foot.) Alt.: <em>Double sweeping lotus.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 53, 72. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shuang tui shou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Push both hands. (Two-handed push.) Alt.: <em>Double push hands.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 18. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Shun lan zhou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Hitting with elbow. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 39. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Su Qin bei jian</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Suqin bears sword. (Note: <a href="http://www.chinatown-online.co.uk/pages/culture/legends/diplomat.html">Su Qin (-284 BC)</a> was the leader of alliance against the state of Qin during the warring states period.) </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 7. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Tai ji chu shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Opening movement. (Same as "<a href="#ybsh">Yv bei shi</a>" below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 1. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Tai ji huan yvan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Return to taiji. Alt.: <em>Restore the original shape of taiji.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 49. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Tai ji dan jian chu shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Opening of taiji single sword. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 1. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Ti er qi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Turn over body and double raise foot. (Double kick.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 34. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Wei Tuo xian chu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Wei Tuo offers the pestle. (Note: <a href="http://murugan.org/research/china_skanda.htm">Wei Tuo</a>, also known as Skanda, in Buddhism is considered to be a warrior who protects Buddha's relics or a specific temple.) </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 47. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Wo di da zhou pao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Punches under the armpits. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 37. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Wo di pao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Side lower punch. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 40. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Wu hua fan shen wang shang kan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Martial flower, turn, go left, cut up. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 20. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Wu hua sa shou wang shang kan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Martial flower releases and upward cut. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 12. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Wu hua sa shou wang xia kan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Martial flower, turn, go right, chop down. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 14. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Wu hua shuang jiao shui gan zu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Who can stop the martial flower with two kicks? </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 26. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Wu hua wang you ding xia shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Martial flower, move right, settle into posture. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 22. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Wu hua wang zuo ding xia shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Martial flower, move left, settle into posture. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 18. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Wu long bai wei</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The black dragon sways its tail. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 23. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Xia bu kua gong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Step back and stretch upper arms. Alt.: <em>Next step cut aross upper arms.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 71. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Xia bu kua hu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Crouch step astride the tiger. Alt.: <em>Next step cut aross the tiger.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 71. Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.411. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Xia san dao jing tui Cao Cao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Three steps back to frighten Cao Cao. (Note: <a href="http://www.a3guo.com/renwu/wei/caocao.htm">Cao Cao</a>, like General Guan, is a historical figure portrayed in the <a href="http://www.threekingdoms.com/index.htm">Three Kingdoms</a> novel attributed to Luo Guanzhong. Cao Cao, at the close of the Eastern Han Dynasty, gradually gradually unified northern China, and was promoted as the prime minister of the Han Dynasty. His posthumous title was Emperor Wu after his son Cao Pi declared himself the emperor.) </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 5. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Xia yvn shou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Wave hands like clouds. Alt.: <em>Descend-from-cloud hands.</em> (Note: Cf. "Yvn shou" below.) </TD> <TD align=left> Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.380. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Xian ren zhi lu</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The immortal points the way. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 3, 15. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Xiao qin da</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Small catching and hitting. Alt.: <em>Small capturing attack.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 39. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Xiao qin na</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Small catch and push. Alt.: <em>Small seizing and control.</em> (Same as "Xiao qin da" above.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 39. Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.292. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Xie fei shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Fly slantwise. Alt.: <em>Oblique flying pattern.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 10, 29, 37, 44. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Xie xing</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Walk obliquely. (Oblique posture.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 8, 11, 22, 58. Lao jia er lu: 7. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Xuan feng jiao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Tornado foot. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 36. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Yan bie jin shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The swallow separates its golden wings. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 17. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Yan shou chui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Screen hand and punch. Alt.: <em>Perform hand punch.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.244. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Yan shou gong quan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The fist of covering hand and arm. (Covered hand punch.) Alt.: <em>Concealing hand - upper arm fist.</em> or <em>Performing hand - upper arm fist.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 14, 24, 38, 60. Lao jia er lu: 13, 18, 23, 29, 31, 33. Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.211. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Yan zi zhuo ni</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The swallow pecks the soil. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 27, 31, 35, 40. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Yao lan zhou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Dragging the waist and hitting with elbow. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 14, 38. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Yao zhan bai she</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Cut the white snake at the waist. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 10. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Ye cha tan hai</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The flesh-eating demon explores the sea. Alt.: <em>Yecha explores the sea.</em> (Note: Yecha, also known as Yaocha or Yaksha, is an evil spirit.) </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 18. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="ymfz">Ye ma fen zong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Part the wild horse's mane. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 45. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Ye ma tiao jian</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The wild horse leaps over the brook. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 21. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Yi peng hu jiu di fei lai</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Angry tiger pounces. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 8. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Yi tang she</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Crouch step like a snake creeping out from a house. Alt.: <em>$An awe-inspiring snake.</em> (Same as "Die cha" above.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 54. Chen Xin (1933/2006): p.237. (In the Chen Xin [1933/1995], there is no snake available, but the movement is simply called "Die cha".) </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Ying feng gun bi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Rolling away from the blade. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 9. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Ying xiong dou zhi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The eagle and the bear vie with their wits. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 30. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>You bo cao xun she</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Separate the weed on the right side to search for the snake. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 14. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>You ca jiao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Rub with right foot. (Slap right foot.) Alt.: <em>Rub the right foot.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 29. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>You chong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Right thrust kick. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 28. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="kick txt"></a>You deng yi gen</strong></TD> <TD align=left> <a href="conduct.htm#kick pic">Kick with right heel</a>. Alt.: <em>Right stomp - one root.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 37. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>You fan shen kan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Turn right to chop. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 20. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>You tuo qian jin</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The right hand holds up a thousand kilograms. Alt.: <em>Right hand supports one thousand pounds.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 39. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="ybsh"></a>Yv bei shi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Preparing form. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 1. Lao jia er lu: 1. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="jade"></a>Yv nv chuan suo</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The jade girl works at the shuttles. Alt.: <em>The Jade Maiden shuttles back and forth.</em> (Note: The Jade Maiden and the Golden Boy are considered to be attendants of the Daoist's immortals.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 48. Lao jia er lu: 16. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong><a name="ape txt"></a>Yuan hou xian (tan) guo</strong></TD> <TD align=left> <a href="#ape pic">The white ape presents fruit</a>. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 67. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Yvn shou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Wave hands. Alt.: <em>Wield the hands.</em> (Note: The widespread translation as "cloud hands" seems ambiguous. <a href="material.htm#xin">Chen Xin</a> refers to "wielding hands" twice and to "(descend-from-) cloud hands" once for the routine he describes.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 27, 52, 63. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zai ju qing long kan si ren</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Raise glaive and survey the doomed. </TD> <TD align=left> Guan dao: 21. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zai shou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Second posture of implication. Alt.: <em>Gather again.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.205. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zhai xing huan dao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Pluck the stars and rotate the constellations. Alt.: <em>Pick the stars - exchange duel.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 32. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zhan chi</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Spread the wings. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 11. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zhan shou</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Chopping hand. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 11. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zhi dang</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Pointing to the crotch. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 10. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zhi dang chui</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The punch of hitting crotch. (Groin punch.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 66. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zhong Kui zhang jian</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Zhong Kui wields the sword. (Note: <a href="http://www.artelino.de/archive/art-title.asp?evt=71&let=g1&rel=32">Zhong Kui</a>, usually portrayed as a fierce sword-wielding warrior, is a Chinese folclore deity which can tame ghosts and drive away evil spirits.) </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 24. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zhou di kan quan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The fist at elbow's bottom. (Fist under elbow.) Alt.: <em>Watch fist under elbow.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 19. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zhou xia kan quan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The fist under elbow. (Same as "Zhou di kan quan" above.) </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 19. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zhuan shen bai jiao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Shake foot. Alt.: <em>Turn body and swing foot.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 72. Chen Xin (1933/1995): p.418. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zuo bo cao xun she</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Separate the weed on the left side to search for the snake. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 13. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zuo ca jiao</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Rub with left foot. (Slap left foot.) Alt.: <em>Rub the left foot.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 30. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zuo chong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Left thrust kick. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 27. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zuo fan shen kan</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Turn left to chop. </TD> <TD align=left> Dan dao: 19. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zuo deng yi gen</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Kick with left heel. Alt.: <em>Left stomp - one root.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia yi lu: 31. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zuo er gong you er gong</strong></TD> <TD align=left> Left and right double forearm punches. </TD> <TD align=left> Lao jia er lu: 35. </TD> </TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD><strong>Zuo tuo qian jin</strong></TD> <TD align=left> The left hand holds up a thousand kilograms. Alt.: <em>Left hand supports one thousand pounds.</em> </TD> <TD align=left> Dan jian: 38. </TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> <hr align="center" width=75%> <div align="center"> <img src="dao2.jpg"> </div> <blockquote>Usage of the sabre (<em>dao</em>) involves thirteen basic techniques which are less difficult to master than those for the sword (<em>jian</em>). In the old days, the sabre (broadsword) used to be the sword of the common Chinese soldier. See also <em><a href="material.htm#weapons"> Ancient Chinese Weapons</a></em> by Yang Jwing-Ming (Yang Junmin). In Chen-style taijiquan, sabre practice develops fajing.</Blockquote> <hr align="center" width=75%> <hr align="center" width=90%> <a href="#top">Back to top</a> <a href="#terms">Back to terms</a> <a href="#movements">Back to movements</a> <a href="index.htm">Home</a> <a href="web.htm">Web sources</a> <a href="videos.htm">Videos</a> <a href="streams.htm">Streams</a> <a href="material.htm">Printed matter</a> <a href="conduct.htm">Conduct</a> <a href="chinese.htm">Chinese</a> <a href="lineage.htm">Lineage</a> <p> <hr align="center" width=90%> <center>Copyright (All Rights Reserved) 1998-2024 by Christoph David Weinmann.<p></center> <p> </BODY> </html>